A reunion with my friends from the Santiago CCM |
Hola Familia!!
So this week was way better than last week! This is gonna surprise you all but the best part of the week was... CLEANING!! When I got here to the apartment in Quilpue it was the nastiest things I'd ever seen and I told my companion I cannot live like this. So this morning we got up early, bought a bunch of cleaning supplies and did a deep clean of EVERYTHING. We threw away like all the trash and stuff that the other hermanas had left behind and now I can finally breathe. I was going crazy in that tiny nasty apartment for two weeks haha.
But on Thursday, we went to Santiago and Elder Anderson spoke to us. Another companionship of hermanas had a sleepover at our house the night before because we had to wake up at 4 in the morning and walk to the stake center to catch the bus at 5 am. We got to Santiago at like 8:30 and heard from Elder Villar (who spoke in general Conference btw) and Elder Anderson!! It was so awesome and Elder Anderson gave almost his whole talk in Spanish. He chastised us a little bit and said we had to be better at talking to literally every person we pass on the street. We need to talk to EVERYONE! We always pray to find the elect on the mission, but how are we going to find them if we don't talk to everyone that we see? Hermana Mackay and I have really improved and we have started to talk to literally every single person and just opening our mouths more!
I also got to see a lot of my friends from the CCM at the conference with Elder Anderson because we had it with the Santiago West mission too!!
This week we were able to teach Yarel! She is the funniest, sweetest 17-year-old I've ever met. She is so eager to learn and has already come to church 3 times!! She wants to get baptized but just has to ask her parents for permission! But literally, she cracks me up. haha! She is kind of like Parker and just has a never-ending encyclopedia of random facts in her head and she doesn't have any shame in sharing them hahaha.
So that was my week haha!! It was great! I love the mission and have such a strong testimony of missionary work! I am so blessed to wear this nametag and to have this experience!!
I love you all sooooooo much and hope you have a great week!!
The bus ride to Santiago...My companion, Hermana Mackay, is sitting next to me. |
Got to see Hermana Wurdel again. She was visiting Quilpue with her parents. |
Just a random cow in the middle of the park!! |