Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Week 45: Moving day and lots of RAIN!!

Hola Familia!! 

So this week it rained all day every day. Its so hard when it rains because no one wants to stop and talk to us in the street and they also don't want to let us into their houses because we´re soaking wet. Its been a hard week just with the rain and all. It's also freezing cold here!! 

We also moved into another house because the owner of our other apartment needed it. So we moved like a block away but the new apartment is a lot better. Definitely, a lot cleaner and the water heater works a lot better. The only thing is, it is so so cold in our new apartment. I'm not sure why it's so much colder but whenever we get home I just peel off my wet clothes and sit in front of the tiny portable heater that we have for like 30 minutes cuz its just so cold. 

We did lots of intercambios with the other hermanas in the zone to go along with moving so it was a pretty stressful but interesting week! 

Also Dante came to church again! But he had to leave right after sacrament mtg so we havent been able to ask him yet how he liked it. Pray for us that we will be able to find people to teach who will let us in in the rain. We have had to stop teaching a lot of people cuz they just weren't progressing so now we are in the finding process. 

I have really gotten into studying Jesus the Christ this week and its helped me so much to strengthen my testimony of the Savior and his Atonement. It has also helped me to strengthen more my testimony that this is the ONLY true church. The more I talk to other people and learn about other religions the more convinced I am that this is the one and only true church. It is literally organized exactly how Christ organized his church and it just makes so much sense!   

That's about it for this week! I'm absolutely exhausted but that must mean I'm doing something right. I love you all and hope you have a great week in the family reunion! Tell everyone I miss them and that you can't have too much fun without me!

Con Amor,
Hermana Snyder 

In the rain in intercambios with Hermana Brooks

Intercambios with Hermana Souza

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Daniela's Baptism
Hola Familia!!

Ok, the subject for this week says it all.

I'll start with the beginning of the week. Hermana Mackay and I were asked to speak at a funeral for a boy with autism who had passed away. His dad is a member but super inactive and they had the service in our church building. The bishop asked us to speak about the plan of salvation and a message of hope and life after death. Almost everyone that attended weren't members and a lot of people came up to us after and thanked us for the messages. They said they loved the service and the church in general. They said they felt something really special. Most of them don't live in our sector but hopefully, they will be able to go to church where they live.

On Thursday we taught a man named Alexis from Venezuela. This was the 3rd lesson we had had with him and the first 2 he kind of just wanted to argue with us. He wasn't really open to learn. But the 3rd time we went, we talked about Joseph Smith because he has some doubts about him. Alexis didn't argue at all and the spirit was strong as we testified of the Restoration. We brought a member and we all testified with so much power! It was literally intense and the Spirit was like tangible. It was such a cool experience. Alexis got emotional and even though he didn't accept to be baptized yet I know that he felt the spirit. I know that he knows it and whether he decides to change or not is up to his agency. 

AND DANIELAS BAPTISM!!!!!!!! BEST DAY OF MY WHOLE MISSION!! I got permission to go and Daniela was just glowing!! It was so awesome to see her and Marisel and her whole family again! I've missed them so much! Almost the whole ward was there and a bunch of Daniela´s family. I started crying when she was baptized and then again when some girls from the ward sang a musical number and then again when Daniela bore her testimony. I was basically crying the whole time. haha! In her testimony, she personally thanked me and Hermana Del Valle for finding her and teaching her the gospel. The happiness I felt that day was absolutely unreal. I don't think I've ever felt joy like that in my whole life. I just love Daniela with my whole heart and seeing her so happy just made me burst with happiness. I feel like seeing her accept the gospel and take this step, let me have a taste of the happiness we are going to feel in the Celestial kingdom. And to see my favorite ward again was amazing!! Villa Dulce and the members there will forever have my heart! It was such a special day and I was just exploding with love and happiness. haha! 

The mission is the best! Without it, I would've never met Daniela or her family. I would have never had the opportunity to teach the gospel in a foreign land and a foreign language. I would have never been able to learn to love others or the gospel so much!! THE CHURCH IS SOOOOOO TRUE! GOD LOVES US AND CHRIST IS OUR SAVIOR AND I WOULDNT TRADE THIS EXPERIENCE FOR THE WORLD! 

I love you all and wish you the best week ever!! 

Love Hermana Snyder

p.s. oh my gosh something I totally forgot to add. The man we are teaching, Dante, told us he wasn't going to be able to come to church but he came all by himself! He showed up for the second hour and is now asking us about baptism!!! Miracles after miracle!

We went to a mission farewell of a girl in our ward and helped the family make all the food. So here is a picture of me with the biggest bowl of empanadas you will ever see!!

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Week 43: Miracles and Life-long Friends!

All of the sisters! We got together for lunch at the mall.

Hola Familia!!!

This week I saw soooo many miracles! We are teaching a man named Dante and he owns a health food store right next to the church building. Hermana Mackay and her previous companion became friends with him and taught him one lesson. Then when I got there we started teaching him more. At first, he never read the Book of Mormon or prayed but about 2 or 3 weeks ago he started reading and praying. Since then he said he has seen a huge change in his life. He said what he saw before as coincidences or luck, he now sees as the hand of God in his life. He asks us to assign him chapters to read from the Book of Mormon and he asks if we can pray more!! He hasn't been able to come to church yet because problems keep coming up every Sunday but he wants to come so badly! In our last lesson, he told us that a lot of people have talked to him about God and tried to get him to believe but he never listened until he started talking to us. I told him it is because the Holy Ghost testifies of truth. It has testified this to you because what we are telling you is true!! Ahh it was such a great lesson and I have a lot of faith in Dante! His progression has been slow but is evident of the changes he is making

Last week we had a leadership council with all the zone leaders and hermana leaders and it was soo fun! I have become such good friends with all the other sisters and I know a lot of them are going to be my lifelong friends! 

I'm so happy to be a missionary!! It is amazing that I get to focus all my time, energy, and heart focusing on the gospel and how it can bless others. I love that I get a whole hour every day to study the scriptures and the words of the prophets! I love that I get to see how the gospel not only changes others lives but how it is changing my life as well! I love meeting new people every day and making lifelong friends from other countries! I love being able to give all my love to the people here in Chile and to the other sisters I am serving! I love this gospel and most of all I love our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ!

I love you all and miss you so much! Keep living the gospel because it is the greatest blessing we have! 

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Snyder

These pictures are when we went to help one of the new hermanas with all her suitcases when she got here. They live in a house behind a member and she made us hamburgers and hot chocolate. (a wierd combination but still really good) I actually know this member though! Her name is Marcela and she is really good friends with Hermana Wurdel. I went to her house for Thanksgiving and she is literally an angel!