Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Week 51: Amazing People, Amazing Week!

Hola Familia!!

This week was AMAZING!! So we have been teaching Antonella who is just the cutest little niña I have ever met. She is so smart too! She always reads what we leave her in the Book of Mormon and remembers everything we teach her. She is getting baptized on Sunday so we are really excited about that! The first day we met her she asked us about our families and I told her I have 3 brothers. She asked me how old they were and yesterday she asked to see a picture of Matthew HAHAHAHA. It was so funny I told her he is 5 years older and she was like " that doesn't matter" But she is hilarious and makes me laugh all the time.

AND EVELYN!!! Let me just say all your prayers and my prayers and her family's prayers were answered because she is getting baptized August 18th!! She made the decision last week and told us before she even told her husband Ivan. And Ivan was soooooo happy he was just glowing when she told him. So keep praying for her that she will stay strong until her baptism. 

Also, I LOVE MY COMPANION! HERMANA ELLIS IS THE BEST EVER!! she is the FUNNIEST person I've ever met and we get along so well. We just love each other and we´re gonna be friends forever.

But we saw so many miracles this week and we are doing great. The mission has its ups and downs and I've had plenty of both. But I know this is the Lord's work and that he is guiding us through it all!

I love you all Que tengan una buena semana!

Hermana Snyder

Week 50: Evelyn said, "YES!"

Me and Hermana Ellis

Hola Familia!!

Estoy bien acá en Quilpué! The biggest miracle we saw this week was when we taught Evelyn. We were really nervous to invite her to have a baptismal date because she hates being pressured but we felt the spirit so strong when we were talking about eternal families and we invited her to be baptized August 18. AND SHE SAID YES!! She was like " yeah sounds good. I feel good about that" We were sooooo happy!. She said she wants to learn more and go to church a few more times but we have a lot of faith. Aug. 18 is the last day of the transfer so we are praying really really hard. Evelyn is so ready and we are so happy that she is finally joining her husband in the church! Antonella, the niña, is also doing great! She is so so cute and absolutely hilarious. She is so excited about her baptism in 2 weeks! 

Also, I LOVE HERMANA ELLIS!!! She is probably the funniest person I have ever met and makes those long days walking in the street in the freezing cold soooo fun. My stomach just always hurts from laughing so hard with her and I know we are going to be good friends after the mission too. Maybe I'm so tired because we stay up every night telling funny stories and talking about life haha.

Quilpué is still the same haha. Not much to do here on P day. But I have really grown to love this sector, the members here, and the people we are teaching. I've almost been out a year so thats crazy! At this time last year, I was freaking out about what shoes to bring and how I was going to transfer flights haha. The Lord has helped me get this far so I know he can help me the rest of the way! 

I love you guys have a great week! Please pray for Evelyn!

Con mucho amor
Hermana Snyder

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Week 49: Tranfers! Staying in Quilpúe...Hello, Hermana Ellis

Hola Familia!!

This week we had cambios! and I'm with Hermana Ellis!!!!! She was my hermana leader in Achupallas and we are such good friends! I love her so much and I am just always laughing with her! She is going home this transfer so I'm going to "kill her". I can tell she is ready to go home but we are still working hard! But seriously she is one of the funnest people I've ever met and we are going to have so much fun this cambio!!

Dante is still progressing. He is thinking about getting baptized in 2 weeks so we´ll see how that goes. We met with Eveline and she wants to come to church! She is progressing and really wants to make an effort to learn more about the church and hopefully get baptized!! Also a big miracle!!! At church on Sunday, a little girl that I had never seen before came up to us and said: "Hermanas I want to be baptized!" Her mom is less active and she had seen her friends baptism a week earlier and loved it and wants to get baptized! I asked her how old she is and when she said that she was 9 we were just jumping for joy. Her name is Antonela and she is really cute! We are excited to teach her! 

For our zone activity we did karaoke with efy songs. It was mine and Hermana Ellis' idea and it was so fun! We were worried the zone wasn't going to be brave enough to do it but Hermana Ellis and I started out and the rest of the missionaries totally got into it! It was really fun and something different! 

I'm just loving being a missionary and enjoying every second of it! Hermana Ellis has been sick so we had to stay inside one day and the zone leaders and our district leader came to our sector to contact and work in our sector so we could reach our goals for the zone. We didn't even know they came until they called us at night so that was super nice of them! 

I hope you all have a great week! I love you all!! 

Time to get some new tights. Haha!

Goodbye Hermana Mackey

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Week 48: Solar Eclipse and The American Cup

Someone on the street let us borrow these eclipse glasses. haha.

Hola Familia!! 

Estoy muy bien aqui en Chile! This week was soooooo tiring! We walked more than I think I ever have in my whole life in the freezing cold and people slamming doors in our face. haha! But its all good. We sang hymns together the whole time and talked a lot about how this is probably how Jesus Christ felt when he got rejected just for wanting to help people. We kept our positive attitudes and got to rest a little bit more today.

Last week we got a reference from a sister in the ward who told us to go visit her neighbor from Venezuela. We passed by Saturday and she was busy but said she wanted to go to church the next day and SHE CAME!! We are going to visit her this week and hopefully she will want to learn more. Her name is Andreina and she lives here with her parents and two kids. So please pray for Andreina!!!!!!

We have transfers on Wednesday and I'm pretty sure that I'm gonna stay in Quilpué but get another companion. I'm gonna miss Hermana Mackay soooo much!

There was a solar eclipse here and it was like 95% where I was. In the north of my mission it was 100%. It got really dark and really cold but we could still see a sliver of the sun. 

Also, the American Cup has been going on. (a big soccer tournament in South America) and whenever Chile is playing there is NO ONE in the street and NO ONE wants to open the door and talk to us. But it's ok because it ended yesterday and Brazil won in case anyone wanted to know. haha!

But I love you all!! I'm going strong here in Chile talking to anyone and everyone about our Savior Jesus Christ!

Con mucho amor
Hermana Snyder

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Week 47: Winter and Bubble Ball

Hola Familia!!

Sorry, I don't have a whole lot of time today! For P-Day we traveled to Quillota (a zone about 2 hours away) to play with those big bubble ball things where you can smash into people. We had to travel because Quillota is the only zone that has it and so we got to see the missionaries from that zone too! It was soooooo fun and a great break. I got to see a ton of my friends from the mission. 

This week Dante had a spontaneous baptismal interview because he wanted to see what it was like. haha! He still needs a little bit of time but he came to church yesterday so things are going well. Eveline said that she is giving the church another chance because she has seen a lot of little miracles and God's hand in her life and she thinks its time to listen to the missionaries again!! So we´ll see where that goes. Silvana has a few problems that I don't really have time to explain right now and we haven't been able to find Paxji but please keep praying for them!! 

Also its been soooooo cold here! I was trying really hard not to think about the fact that its summer back home and that you guys were at Bear Lake because I have literally been so freezing cold here. I wore pants a lot last week because it's just SO COLD. It only rained one day though, so that was good! 

It was a good week! I'm almost 11 months out so that's crazy! 

I hope you guys are all doing amazing! I love you all!

Con amor,
Hermana Snyder

District activity where we ate huge completos and watched The Cokeville Miracle

On an Exchange with one of the other sisters


Hola Familia!!

So this week was soooooo full of miracles

We are teaching someone named Cristian and he called us one day and asked us if we could visit is friend Silvana because she wanted to meet with us and listen to us! We were so excited cuz that literally never happens where someone contacts us instead of us contacting them! We met with Silvana and she is soooo cute and so prepared! We taught her about the restoration and she told us that she has already been to a lot of churches, including our church, and already knows that it is true. When we taught the story of Joseph Smith she said she felt the same way, but that she knows this church is true. We invited her to be baptized and she is so excited! haha! she called us later that night after we taught her asking what she needs to wear to her baptism haha. We still have a lot to teach her so we´ll see how it goes, but she is definitely prepared to accept the gospel. 

We also had zone conference last week and an area seventy came to speak to us. What actually stood out to me was what his wife said. She said that there are people in the spirit world, guiding their living family members to the missionaries because they want their temple work done. The next day we found a girl crying in the park and Sister Mackey and I both felt so strong that we needed to talk to her. When we started talking she said that her whole family are members of the church except her and that her mom had passed away 2 months ago. We talked to her about the plan of salvation and eternal families and the whole time I was thinking, that her mom is definitely guiding her to find the church. If her mom was baptized, there is no doubt that she wants her daughter to find the church so that they can be sealed as a family!! Her name is Paxji so hopefully we will be able to set up a day to teach her! 

Dante is progressing too! The other day he told us that he told his whole family that he is now attending the TRUE church! haha.  His whole family are Adventists so I thought that was hilarious. We have taught him everything he now just needs the courage to make the decision and be baptized! 

Also we had a ward activity thats called "trueque" that basically means like a trade. Everyone brought stuff from their house to trade and guess what we brought?! Books of Mormon and pamphlets haha. I was able to trade a Book of Mormon for a Justin Beiber backpack so I was pretty stoked about that. 

It was a great week! So full of miracles and great opportunities to teach. The church is so true and I love it when I see other people accept that it is true as well! I love you all and hope you guys have a great time at Bear Lake! We have to go again when I'm home cuz Bear Lake is one of my favorite places ever!! 

Hermana Snyder

Some pictures of our new apartment.