Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Week 76: One more week and last email as a missionary

Isabella and I. Isabella is the dog that follows us every day! All-day!

I can't even put into words what this last year and a half has meant for me. There is nothing that compares to the mission. It has by far been the hardest year and a half of my life... I can't lie, but I also feel like it has been the most worth it. I have grown so much, learned so much, and grown to love people from the other side of the world. Chile will always have a piece of my heart! I have grown to love so many people and so many families here. It's honestly gonna be really bittersweet to leave them. I know the gospel is true and that Christ is our Savior. I wouldn't be here if I didn't know it!

Being a missionary is so cool because I feel like we get a front-row seat to watch the power of the atonement work in other people's lives and in our own. I have seen people make incredible changes in their lives because they have relied on Jesus Christ completely. I have also seen changes in my life. I have had to trust 100% in Him in this work. There have been so many times on the mission where the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that the Savior understands me. He understands the fatigue, the rejection, the heartache when people don't accept the gospel. But He also rejoices with us when people do accept the gospel! He rejoices too when families come together and when people pray or read the Book of Mormon for the first time. It is incredible to know that I have the most powerful being at my side to share the most important message in the world. 

It's going to be really hard to say goodbye to all the amazing people I've met here. I've also met the most incredible hermanas! They have helped me grow into a better person. Through all the ups and downs that the mission has brought me, I couldn't be more grateful for this experience. It has helped me grow closer to the Savior in a way that I never could have if I hadn't come here. 

I love you all so much and I'm so excited to see everyone again! Thanks for all your support, love, and prayers! They have been felt all the way here in Chile. 
I've still got a week left to finish it off! Everyone, please pray for Manuel! He is so close to being baptized and is so ready but is having doubts. 

Con mucho amor, Nos vemos en un ratito!

Hermana Snyder

Me with Manuel and Josefa´s kids. They are the CUTEST EVER!

Hermana Vianka and I. She is the best! One of my favorite people ever!! She made me tacos to celebrate my birthday last week.
We found a pamphlet from the Jehovah's Witnesses in the bus. So we stuck our own right next to it... So at least people have a choice. :)
intercambios with the hermanas from La Serena
Last session of weekly planning (Hermana Souza and I drink mate every day and she made me sweet mate for our last weekly planning together. haha) 

California... here I come!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Week 75: Leonardo and Joaquin's Baptisms


Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!! Sorry I didnt have time to respond to everyone but just know that I did read all of them and I appreciate it so so so much! I seriously have the best family in the whole world. I'm so excited to see you all again soon! I've had a great birthday so far! It's Pday so I got to sleep a little bit more (the best birthday gift ever, haha!) then we went to a crepe restaurant with the other hermanas and they sang to me and gave me a card. Also, I got calls all morning from all the members wishing me a happy birthday. 

We had such an amazing week! Joaquin and Leonardo were baptized and it was so so sweet. Leonardo said he felt so awesome after coming out of the water and Joaquin said "I feel so spiritually relieved." haha! I know they are only 9 and 11 years old but they have really strong testimonies of Jesus Christ. They are helping their families come back to the church too.

We also invited Joaquin's dad to be baptized on January 25 and he accepted right away! He actually told us that he has dreamed about being baptized and it is something he really wants to do, so he can be sealed to his family in the temple! If thats not the cutest thing you've ever heard I don't know what is! Seriously they are the cutest family in the whole world and I'm so grateful that I've had the opportunity to teach them and help their son be baptized. 

I went to my last zone conference and I had to give another dying testimony. It was a really good conference and left me really inspired and ready to work hard my last few weeks of the mission!!

We saw so many other miracles last week. We found so many new people to teach! Seriously the Lord is blessing us so much! I love sharing my testimony every single day as a full time representative of Jesus Christ! 

I love you all so much! Nos vemos in a quick 2 weeks! 

Hermana Snyder

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Week 74: FELIZ 2020! Its gonna be a good year!!


We spent año nuevo with a really awesome family that just moved into the ward. They are young and super fun. Here in Chile the tradition is to eat dinner really late like at 11 and then celebrate the new year. We were even later and we started eating at like 11:30 and had to rush to finish before 12. Normally in Coquimbo there is a big firework show but they didnt do it this year because of all the problems that Chile has been having. But there were still a bunch of people shooting off their own so we still got to see some. 

Everything is good to go for Joaquin and Leonardo's baptisms! We actually changed them to be on Sunday so that more members can go. We havent seen Gonzalo in a while becuase he has been really busy. We are really worried because he and his girlfriend who has been bringing him to church broke up. We arent totally sure what happened but he still wants to meet with us. So that is a good sign. About 2 weeks ago he told us he is not doing this for his girlfriend, he is doing this because he really feels its true. We havent gotten the chance to talk yet but on thursday we are meeting with him.  So keep praying for him!

I went to my last leadership conference in Viña and it was really emotional giving my last "dying testimony." It was also really really hard saying goodbye to the other hermanas. I know I'm going see most of the gringas back in the US but saying goodbye to Hermana Sanchez from Colombia and Hermana Del Valle from Mexico was the worst. I don't know when I'm going to see them again. (I havent said goodbye to Hermana Varela yet because I will see her my last day... thank goodness. Thats going to be horrible to say goodbye to her too) But seriously the hermanas that I have met here on the mission have literally become some of my best friends. That is one thing I love about the mission. If I had never come I would never be best friends with people from the other side of the world.

We went to the Cruz again for p day haha. Me and two other elders from the zone had already been, but today it was hot and sunny so the view was a little better this time. 

We have a big week coming up and we need all the prayers we can get for Leonardo, Joaquin and Gonzalo! 

Les quiero mucho! Nos vemos pronto!

Hermana Snyder

P.S. When we went to viña the bus got there super early the day before the conference. Usually we get to Viña at like 8 pm but last week we arrived at like 4pm. So with like 5 hours to spare Hermana Souza and I went to Villa Dulce because she also served there! I GOT TO SEE JOEL AND HIS BABY JOESSIE!!  It was so awesome and we totally surprised him haha. But he is super active and he and his wife go to church every Sunday!! We also went to visit the bishop's family. It was so awesome and wonderful to go back to Villa Dulce after a year and see that my convert is still doing good! 

A surprise visit to see Joel and Joessie!! 

Goodbye Hermana Sanchez
Goodbye Hermana Del Valle
Goodbye Hermana Rice and Hermana Beach
The Cruz