Monday, December 30, 2019

Week 73: Feliz Navidad!

With Hermana Souza on Christmas Eve

Hola Familia y Feliz Navidad!!

It was such a good week and such a great Christmas! Even though Christmas on the mission is spent away from the family I think it is spent a little closer to Christ than any other year. As missionaries, we are absolutely 100% focused on what Christmas is really about. Christ! Everyday we talk to everyone, we teach, we testify, we serve, we study, all about Jesus Christ. 

Here in Chile they celebrate Christmas the night of Christmas Eve and we spent it with the Familia Arqueros. They are an awesome family in our ward and they invited their extended family so in total we were like 20 people! It was so fun! We ate soooo much food, and so  many desserts and then we shared a message about Jesus Christ. Here they open all the presents on Christmas Eve so we watched all the kids open their gifts and the family also gave us some presents too... it was so fun. 

The people we are teaching are doing good! We started teaching a woman who is less active named Josefa. We found her like 3 months ago in the street and she told us that she's an inactive member and asked us where the church is. We visited her like 2 times after that and then lost contact, but about a month ago she showed up in church with all 4 of her little kids! She has been coming every Sunday since then and now her husband is coming! We started teaching the whole family and they are soooooo sweet. Joaquin (the oldest son) is 11 and wants to get baptized and her husband is also really receptive! Also Marialex told us starting the new year that she is gonna be able to come to church because her family is going to stop working on sundays! She wants to go soo bad and get baptized so keep praying for her. 

Seriously the Lord is blessing us so much here in Coquimbo I have never had so many people so prepared and ready to make the covenant of baptism! Please pray for Gonzalo, Leonardo, Joaquin, Marialex, Maria Josefina, and Camilo. They are all soooo close! 

I also did intercambios with hermana Folkman and she is definitely one of the funniest people I have ever met. haha! It was a very entertaining day with her.

Love and hugs to you all and Happy New Year! 
Hermana Snyder 

So many desserts!! I made American chocolate chip cookies and everyone was so excited about them. They were the first to get eaten. haha! 

the familia Matamala (one of my favorite families that just moved out of the ward 😢)
Hermana Folkman and I 

Week 72: Merry Christmas Miracles! So many people to teach, so little time left!

Singing Christmas carols for kids with disabilities (Hermana Souza is standing next to me)

Hola Familia!!

Oh my gosh the work is taking off here in Sindempart! First of all I absolutely love my companion! Hermana Souza is from Uruguay and she has already taught me so many things in our few short days together. She teaches so well and really knows how to follow the spirit. We had some incredible teaching moments last week so Ill tell a few.

We taught Gonzalo (not Gustavo dad) and he is progressing so well. As we were teaching him, he actually started telling us that he feels like his faith is failing. He actually got really emotional and said that he is having a hard time believing in God. I told him about an experience that I had not too long ago. I was in intercambios and the rudest women ever started calling us liars and saying that the Book of Mormon was from the devil. She said we are wasting our time and energy here and honestly I started to question a little bit if what I am teaching is true. If leaving home for a year and a half was for a good cause. I felt a little bad for doubting but that night I prayed and got a the clear confirmation that what I am doing is ABSOLUTELY TRUE. The book of mormon is true and the Church of Jesus Christ is the true church. I told Gonzalo that that expience of questioning and a little bit of doubt drove me to seek out the answer and in the end it strengthened my testimony so much. He is a really spiritual person and I know he will find his faith again. At the end of the lesson Hermana Souza read Mosiah 18 that talks about baptism. Gonzalos got so emotional that he actually had to leave the room for a minute and the spirit was soo strong. He knows that it is true and he told us it is the desire of his heart to be baptized. He feels like this is what he is looking for. If all goes well he is going to be baptized on january 11th and I am so so happy for him. 

We also found a girl whose whole family are members but she was never baptized. Her name is Maria Josefina and she said a ton of missionaries tried to baptized her but she never wanted to. But she said she feels something different from us and accepted with enthusiasm the invitation to be baptized! She also came to church yesterday with her dad so we are so excited for her! 

We also went and sang christmas hymns at an organization for kids with disabilities with all the missionaries from Coquimbo and Serena. It was so cute and on the final song we went out to meet them and we sang with them. The spirit was really strong and I know they loved it. 

For our zone activity we met up with La serena and we had a gingerbread house making contest ( pictures included) 

Overall a week of incredible miracles. Im so happy to be teaching the restored gospel! I know its true and I know everyone needs it! 

Have an amazing week and a merry christmas!! 

Hermana Snyder

Zone activity making gingerbread houses out of cookies and gift exchange. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Week 71: Last Transfer!

Hola Familia!!

I don't have a ton of time so this is gonna be quick! We saw a lot of tender mercies last week. We met a lot of awesome people who gave us a lot of encouragement to keep going! 

Cambios (Transfers) are this week and I am staying in Coquimbo but hermana Brooks is leaving :( My new companion's name is Hermana Souza and we were actually in the same zone in Quilpue! She is from Uruguay and she is AWESOME! She is such a hard worker and I'm so excited to be her companion! 

We went to the hospital and sang Christmas carols to all the patients this past week. It was so sweet to see the patients faces light up when we sang and see how grateful they were for a little christmas cheer. One of the staff of the hospital actually took a bunch of pictures and posted them all over social media so we are basically famous now. haha. 

Gonzalo is doing good and really trying to learn all he can. We are also teaching a kid named Leonardo and if everything goes well they will both be baptized on January 11th! Please pray for them! I love the gospel of Jesus Christ and am so grateful to be a missionary.  

Love you all,
Hermana Snyder

Hermana Graciela and I (She is an hermana from a different sector, but I have done intercambios (exchanges) with her and I absolutely love her! She is one of the most christlike people I know)

Macarena - Another member I love!
Marialex (The venezolana we are teaching)
La familia Arqueros (One of my favorite families in the ward)
Leonardo and his family

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Week 70: Christmas Time is the Best Time to be a Missionary!

Pictures with Santa for our Christmas Activity (Santa was actually an Elder in our mission who is a little on the chubby side. haha! He was so funny! )

Hola Familia!!

Ok, so I'm not gonna lie it has been a few hard weeks here in Coquimbo. We have been working so so hard, I think the hardest I've ever worked in my mission and we just kept hitting dead end after dead end. Some people we are teaching are now ignoring us and don't want to recieve us, other people just don't want to make commitments, and we are a little discouraged because we have just been doing every possible thing to bring people to Christ. Saturday night we were a little sad looking at all the work we did and the few "results" that we are seeing. But Sunday was a day of miracles! 

After sacrament meeting a women came up to us and said she wants us to teach the guy she is dating. The woman's name is Antionetta and her boyfriends name is Gonzalo. We went and taught him that same afternoon and the spirit was so strong when we taught about the first vision. After, we asked Antionetta to give her testimony about the Book of Mormon and Gonzalo started to tear up. He told us that this is what he has been looking for in his life and that he is interested in getting baptized. We set a date for him to get baptized on  january 11th!! its in about a month, and we have a lot of faith in him. He has already been going to church for about a month and a half and we have seen him every Sunday. That's huge! He seems really prepared and he is just the miracle we needed to not give up hope! 

Last week we also went to the center of Coquimbo and we put up banners of Light the World and sang christmans hymns with the zone. I think a lot of people thought it was kind of weird but I think a lot of people enjoyed it too. The Chilenos arent really used to people singing Christmas carols in the street, so it was kind of cool to see all the people smile as they passed us. 

Christmas is the best time to be a missionary! Its the best time to talk about Christ and his role in all of our lives.

Hope all went well with Zach and Maelynn's wedding. So happy for them!

Love you all,
Hermana Snyder 

Hermana Romeu (Pres. Romeu's wife) gave all the sisters matching bracelets
By the ocean. My happy place! 

Week 69: Follow the Spirit!

Zone Activity at a Fort in Coquimbo

Hola Familia!!

Last week we traveled to Viña for our the leadership council and it was so fun to see hermana Varela, hermana Rice, hermana Sanchez and all my friends from the mission. We talked for like an hour about modifying the standards of excellence and it made my head hurt cuz ive never been really good and the whole numbers and goals thing. haha. Afterwards I said to all the other hermanas, "we should have 1 standard of excellence that says FOLLOW THE SPIRIT. I know making goals and keeping track of numbers is important, but sometimes you've got to take a step back and remember that following the spirit is the most important part. 

We didnt do anything special for Thanksgiving because they dont have that here in Chile so that was a little sad but hermana brooks made us some mashed potatoes when we got back to the apartment. haha. (that was the closest we had to thanksgiving food) 

We did intercambios last week and I was with Hermana burns who only has one cambio less than I do. and OMG she is INCREDIBLE!! She teaches so well and I learned so much from her about following and teaching with the spirit. That day we had a ton of lessons and we were literally sprinting around our area trying to get to them all. 

We were able to teach Marialex again and when we taught the plan of salvation she said that it answered so many of her questions. She is really curious and asked a bunch of questions and at the end said that she believes that its true and feels like it helps her know who she truly is. She is so sweet and so mature for her age. She still cant come to church though, but she said her mom might be coming from Venezuela this month and if she does, she will move out of her uncle's house and won't have to work every sunday! we are praying for a miracle honestly. 

Brenda and Vicente let us down and slept in instead of coming to church. We had a member ready to pick them up, we went to their house and knocked on the door, and vicente answered and said that he wantd to go but that his mom didnt want to wake up😒 So that was frustrating. We need our people to progress and right now I'm not really sure how to help them do that. Please pray for them! I feel like I'm kind of at a stand still. We are teaching a bunch of people but they just aren't progressing or keeping their commitments. 

Today we went to a fort in Coquimbo. It was cool and had a really pretty view of the ocean (I'm not gonna lie it made me miss California a lot) we took a bunch of pictures and it was fun to hang out with the zone. 

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 68: Exhausted beyond belief, but so happy!

Hola Familia!!

This week we worked I think the hardest I have ever worked in my whole mission. We got home absolutely exhausted every day but man did our work pay off. We had 4 people come to church. We found 6 new amazing people to teach and so many miracles. I'll tell one of them real quick. About two weeks ago we found a girl whose 15 from Venezuela. Her name is Marialex and she is super super friendly. We were able to find her again and teach her the restoration a few days ago and it was one of the most incredible lessons of my mission! She is really really smart and understood everything about prophets, the apostasy, Joseph smith and the book of Mormon and when we testified that we know its true she asked us "I believe you guys but how can I have the same conviction as you?" We invited her to read the book of Mormon and pray about it and actually we invited her to pray right there in the lesson with us. We knelt down and she said the most sincere prayer about how she wants with all her heart to know if its true, if Joseph smith was truly a prophet and if the book of Mormon is true. Before she finished her prayer she paused for like 15 seconds. Then she finished and stood up and told us that she felt something she has never felt before in her life. She said she literally felt something come over her and calm her. She said she has always had a lot of questions about God and that this was the first time she felt a clear, true answer. She told us she would love to be baptized! The only problem is that she has to work in the market with her family every Sunday so she doesnt know how she is going to be able to come to church. But seriously she is incredible. It happens so frequently that we meet people like Marialex that are just so prepared and then they disappear off the face of the planet and we never know what happened to them. Even if that happens to her, I will never forget that experience. I will never forget seeing the Spirit work in someone right in front of my eyes and testify to someone seeking the truth. And I dont think she will forget it either. Please pray with all your hearts for Marialex!! Pray that she will find away to go to church and that we will be able to keep teaching her!! 

This week we also found a lot of incredible people! A mom named Brenda and her son Vicente who the elders contacted. We went to teach them and they basically were begging us to be baptized haha. I dont think they understand the commitment that it is yet but the desire is there!! 

We also went to a wedding last week! (Hey if I cant go to zachs at least i got to go to one) the bishops son and his wife got married and they asked me to play the traditional wedding song on the piano when they entered in. It was in the church building and it was really sweet. We only stayed for the ceremony so I could play the piano but the next day the bishops wife invited us over and taught us to make bread. 

It was a good week and I'm exhausted beyond belief but I feel so good to be doing the Lords work and to be helping people find the truth! 

Love you all and Happy Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 18, 2019

Week 67: Christmas is coming!

Hola Familia!!

This week we had to be inside tuesday and thursday because there are still a lot of protests and crazy things happening in Chile. A lot of people are really discouraged and it is affecting jobs, school, and basically everything. As difficult as the situation is, it actually helps with missionary work because people are more willing to listen. They need a little more hope and love in their lives and they need to believe in God now more than ever. We have had some pretty cool contacting experiences of people that understand and are touched by the spirit. 

This week we decorated our house for Christmas! We opened a closet and found a ton of decorations and just went crazy. (The things you do when you are stuck inside. haha!) 

Its also getting pretty hot here now that summer has started and living so close to the ocean is a blessing and a curse. I love seeing the ocean, but it is so tempting not to grab a surfboard and jump in. haha! 

Something funny that happened a few weeks ago that I forgot to write...We helped a 90 year old man that we met contacting houses, in his garden and after like 30 minutes he offered us coca-cola and we accepted. He then said that its really good if you put pisco in it (pisco is a type of alcohol) and we were like, no thanks we´re good. We don't actually drink alcohol. He went inside to get the coca-cola, but we definitely watched him pour it and make sure he didn't put any surprises inside. haha! It was really funny.  Don't worry, he wasn't creepy... he was a really sweet old man and was so grateful that we helped him. 

We dont have a lot of people right now that are really progressing, so please pray that we will find Gods children here in Chile that are ready and prepared to accept the gospel! 

I love you guys and hope you have an awesome week! 

Decorating for Navidad

Views from the top of our apartment building.

We do half of our studies at night now because we have to be in by 8:00 pm every night. So, we decided to do our companionship study on the roof and watch the sunset. 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Week 66: Antonella's and Melissa's Baptisms!

Hola Familia!!

ANTONELLA SE BAUTIZÓ! (ANTONELLA WAS BAPTIZED) It was really sweet and her whole family came. Even her dad who lives in Santiago traveled for one day to see her baptism! So many members came to support her and she looked like a little angel in her white dress and flowers in her hair. She came out of the water with the biggest smile on her face and said she loved her baptism because the water was so warm haha. a really big miracle was that her mom, Pia, said that she wants to start reading the book of mormon and asked us for her own copy! Pia didn't believe in God or anything before we started teaching her family, but she said that she has seen a difference in Antonella and her family since we started visiting them. She said she really likes the church and we can see her faith starting to grow. Niños are the best! They are so pure and willing to follow Christ and I hope with my whole heart that she will be able to help her family come unto Christ as well! 

Nelson told us last week that he has a lot of personal problems and that he needs some time alone to sort them out. So that was really sad because he was progressing so well! But maybe right now isnt his time. I know he has a testimony so his time will come! 

Today we went to La Cruz! its a huge cross on top of one of the hills in Coquimbo. Weve been wanting to go this whole cambio and we finally went. I LOVE MY ZONE! Everyone is so chill and we have so much fun together. on the bus ride home we were all making raps in Spanish about missionary work and it was hilarious. 

We had 2 intercambios last week and it was really fun to work and learn from the other hermanas here. I'm the oldest hermana here in the northern part of the mission (or the one who has the most time) actually I'm one of the oldest in the whole mission. haha! But I still learn new things from all the other missionaries here. 

ALSO MELISSA FROM QUILPUE GOT BAPTIZED TOO! she emailed me and she seems so happy. I'm sooooooo happy for her! 

I'm so grateful for the miracles I've seen! The gospel is true and I know Christ is leading this work!

Con mucho amor,
Hermana Snyder

Antonella and her family 

Melissa's Baptism! Sad I couldn't be there, but oh so happy for her. 

Monday, November 4, 2019

Week 65: A little miracle and a lot of answered prayers

A great view of Coquimbo

Hola Familia!!

This week we saw a huge miracle! On wednesday hermana brooks didnt feel good so she laid down in the morning and so I started looking through the area book for people that the missionaries have already taught. I found a name and in the afternoon we went to look for her. We got to the street but the number of the house didnt exist. We stood there for like two minutes because we didnt feel like we should leave. We turned to the first house on the corner and rang the doorbell. A woman from Colombia walked out with her two kids and we started talking. After a minute or two she invited us inside! She has a lot of faith and she told us that she had actually been praying to be able to find a church in Chile. She belonged to a church in Colombia but hasnt been able to find one in her 3 years that shes been living here. We taught her about the restoration and at the end of the lesson we invited her to pray and ask if it was true. We knelt down and she prayed and after she told us that she felt something special that she had never felt before. She told us that she knows that us coming to her house was an answer to her prayer! 

We visited her again on saturday and she told us that after we left her house earlier that week that she felt the spirit so strong and got emotional. She told us that God answered her prayer and that she actually feels a difference in her home and in her family. But wait... theres more!! Her husband (better said, her fiancee that shes living with) is a member!! She though he was atheist and had no idea that he ever belonged to a church. But no! He is a member and told her all good things about the church and that he is even willing to go with her when she wants to go!! Her name is Patricia and we have so much faith in her! Sorry that was a really long story but It was soo cool to see the spirit literally work in front of our eyes and testify to Patricia that the restored gospel is true. 

Antonella is getting baptized this saturday and if everything works out Nelson should too! The problem with Nelson is that he is so hard to find because he works a lot. but we have taught him everything and he wants to get baptized! He has committed to keeping all the commandments so please pray that everything will work out!! 

We also had zone conference and leadership council this week. So I got to meet all the missionaries from the northern part of the mission and see all my friends at the leadership council in Viña. It was so fun and the bus ride down to Viña was way shorter this time (only 6 hours each way!) 

Halloween exists in Chile and its the same as in the US but I didnt see much because that was the night we got to Viña and we have to be inside by 8 pm every night due to the protests that are still going on. 

Sorry this email is way long, but I love you guys! That sucks about all the fires in Thousand Oaks I hope everyone is ok. 

Que tengan una buena semana!
Hermana Snyder

We went to McDonalds and I got a happy meal
My district (they are the best. haha hermana brooks and I are the only gringas)

The other hermanas in Coquimbo (we threw a little party for one of the hermanas who is a convert and it was the anniversary of her baptism. We made her put on a baptism dress that we found in the apartment. haha!) 

hermana brooks and I with Antonella
All the hermanas from zone conference
Me with a can of "ecco" (its like coffee but not) that we gave to Nelson to help him stop drinking coffee.