Sunday, December 1, 2019

Week 68: Exhausted beyond belief, but so happy!

Hola Familia!!

This week we worked I think the hardest I have ever worked in my whole mission. We got home absolutely exhausted every day but man did our work pay off. We had 4 people come to church. We found 6 new amazing people to teach and so many miracles. I'll tell one of them real quick. About two weeks ago we found a girl whose 15 from Venezuela. Her name is Marialex and she is super super friendly. We were able to find her again and teach her the restoration a few days ago and it was one of the most incredible lessons of my mission! She is really really smart and understood everything about prophets, the apostasy, Joseph smith and the book of Mormon and when we testified that we know its true she asked us "I believe you guys but how can I have the same conviction as you?" We invited her to read the book of Mormon and pray about it and actually we invited her to pray right there in the lesson with us. We knelt down and she said the most sincere prayer about how she wants with all her heart to know if its true, if Joseph smith was truly a prophet and if the book of Mormon is true. Before she finished her prayer she paused for like 15 seconds. Then she finished and stood up and told us that she felt something she has never felt before in her life. She said she literally felt something come over her and calm her. She said she has always had a lot of questions about God and that this was the first time she felt a clear, true answer. She told us she would love to be baptized! The only problem is that she has to work in the market with her family every Sunday so she doesnt know how she is going to be able to come to church. But seriously she is incredible. It happens so frequently that we meet people like Marialex that are just so prepared and then they disappear off the face of the planet and we never know what happened to them. Even if that happens to her, I will never forget that experience. I will never forget seeing the Spirit work in someone right in front of my eyes and testify to someone seeking the truth. And I dont think she will forget it either. Please pray with all your hearts for Marialex!! Pray that she will find away to go to church and that we will be able to keep teaching her!! 

This week we also found a lot of incredible people! A mom named Brenda and her son Vicente who the elders contacted. We went to teach them and they basically were begging us to be baptized haha. I dont think they understand the commitment that it is yet but the desire is there!! 

We also went to a wedding last week! (Hey if I cant go to zachs at least i got to go to one) the bishops son and his wife got married and they asked me to play the traditional wedding song on the piano when they entered in. It was in the church building and it was really sweet. We only stayed for the ceremony so I could play the piano but the next day the bishops wife invited us over and taught us to make bread. 

It was a good week and I'm exhausted beyond belief but I feel so good to be doing the Lords work and to be helping people find the truth! 

Love you all and Happy Thanksgiving! 

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