Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Week 24: A day in Valparaiso and transfers and TRAINING!! (and an earthquake too!)

Hola Familia!!

Oh-kay! So we have cambios (transfers) this week and I'm TRAINING AND WHITEWASHING A SECTOR. (Whitewashing is when both missionaries of an area are transferred out and 2 new ones are transferred in) When the assistants called I was so so nervous and I still am. I have only been out here for 4 and a half months and now I have to teach another missionary in a sector I've never been to! I'm a little excited but mostly terrified. The new area has a reputation for not having that many baptisms or success but I'm going in with all the faith I have. I know I just need to trust in the Lord. There must be a reason he is sending me to Achupallas (new zone) and there must be a reason I'm called to train. Achupallas is actually not too far from here...it's just outside of Viña del Mar.  I know it's gonna be hard but I know I'm in the Lord's hands and it's all going to be ok. 

The hardest part has been saying goodbye to the people here. Peña Blanca is my home and it has been so so hard to say goodbye to all the members I've gotten so close to. The worst was saying goodbye to Marcela, Camila, Anggie, Dennise, Leslie, and Patricio. We visited them last night and when we left I was a crying mess. They are like my second family here and I'm gonna miss them so much. I know they are in good hands with the ward though! It has been harder to say goodbye to my ward family here in Peña Blanca then it was to say goodbye to my family at the airport (haha sorry)

Last P-day we went to Valpo (Valparaiso)! It is a major port city close to Viña del Mar and is known for its colorful buildings and murals. We went to this old looking plaza and then down by the port. We rode up the hill in this gondola thing and took a bunch of pictures at the top. The whole zone sang happy birthday to me at the top of the hill and then we walked down and looked at all the cool murals on the walls! After we went to El Guatón, a restaurant, and ate chorillana. It's like a huge plate of nachos but it's with fries instead of chips. It was an awesome P-day. Valparaiso is so cool! 

Also yeah we felt the earthquake. It was in the north in La Serena but we definitely felt it down here close to Viña. It lasted for like a minute and our whole house was shaking at like 11 at night! 

Sending all my love from Chile! I know this church is true with all my heart! I love the mission. It has been the best 5 months of my life and I can't wait to see what else the Lord has in store for me!

Con amor,
Hermana Snyder

On the gondola


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