Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Week 56: Walk! Teach! Pray! Dance!!

Me with Hermana Mackay and Hermana Varela

Hola Familia!!

This week was FULL of miracles! It was incredible. We found a man named Juan Pablo contacting houses and he said that the day before we knocked on his door he was trying to decide if he believed in God or not and then we showed up! He is so humble and reads the Book of Mormon faithfully. The only thing is that he sent us a text Sunday morning saying he couldn't come to church after committing to going. But haha thats soo normal!

Also, we are teaching Melissa! Una persona de oro! Ella se cayó del cielo! (She fell from heaven) her whole family is members but she was never baptized. Last week she said she knows her life would be a lot different if she had been baptized. When we invited her to be baptized on September 21 she started crying! She got so emotional and just said over and over again thank you, thank you! She said she really wants to! We could tell that she has been waiting for this opportunity and she was so happy when we invited her. But again she wasn't home when we went to pick her up for church. :( That is the hardest part. Getting people to come to church!

It's so fun living with 3 Latinas! Hermana Varela is teaching me all the dances from Columbia: la bachata, la cumbia, el merengue. It's part of our nightly routine. Come home, pray, change into pajamas, dance!! haha. It's a good way to relieve stress. 

We had a leadership council this week and it was amazing! We talked about the talk by Elder Bednar called the "Character of Christ" if you can find it I highly recommend reading it! It is incredible! Got to see Hermana Mackay again too. 

Im so happy to hear that everyone is doing well and that Parker is killing it at BYU in the marching band! 

I love you guys and I'm praying for you!!

Hermana Snyder

This is a picture of the grandma of one of the hermanas that was one of my roommates in the CCM. We contacted her and it was so funny when we made the connection.

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