Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week 58: So much to be Grateful For

With Melissa and Hermana Varela

Hola Familia!!

Another good week! Melissa is doing great and is totally involved with the ward! She just needs to get her answer because right now she doesn't feel completely ready to be baptized. But she is reading and praying and has been to church twice already. We just have to help her recognize that the spirit is telling her that this is true!  

This week we painted a sisters house from another ward and she made us and the other sisters french toast! I haven't had french toast in forever and it was so good. Just a little reminder that the rewards of serving others sometimes come much sooner than expected. 

We had to leave a few of the people we were teaching cuz they are never home when they say they are (aka, they're not interested) and it's just frustrating us.  So we are still looking...looking for those who are ready to make the changes in their lives to come closer to Christ. The mission is tiring, but through it all I know that Christ knows me. He knows how many miles I walk each day and how many rejections I face because he faced it all too. I think I understand the Atonement so much better here on my mission than in any other time in my whole life. 

Sorry, this is a short one but I'm doing great! I hope you guys are all doing good! 

Que tengan una buena semana!!

Love Hermana Snyder

House Painting for the sweetest sister in a nearby area. 

Some awesome women from Haiti that we have been teaching...their daughters are the cutest. 
A quick drive by the beach!! 

Chillin' in a hammock with Hermana Verela 

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